What do you mean by SQL ?
SQL ore standard query language which is used to perform the basic CRUD
function of managing a database like creating, updating, retreiving and deleting.
Requirements fro running SQL :
Basically we use SQL in building websites backend for fetching data from the
database. so we need the following technologies :
1. We need a database program where we can run our queries like
Ms Access, MySQL, Oracle.
2.For styling of the website we need HTML/ CSS
3. We need server side scripting Languages like PHP
So before Jumping to SQL we need to have brief snapshot of what exactly is
Database Management System:
well as the name suggest that it is a platform where we can manage our data in
flexible, reliable and error free manner. Basically Database is nothing but a table
which contains data in the form of row and columns; lets visualize the components
of database through a diagram.
1. Select Query:
Syntax 1: Select column1, column2, column3 from tablename;
Function: The Select statement as the name suggests is used to select data according
to the specified criteria such as columns
2. Syntax 2: Select * from tablename;
Function: This query is used to fetch all the records from the table which are fed.
3. Syntax 3: Select Distinct Column1, Column 2, Column 3 from tablename;
Function: In order to fetch only different values from the tables this statement
is used. In this query the basic objective is that to reduce same values
from appearing twice.
4.Syntax 4: Select Column1, Column2, Column3 from tablename where condition;
Function: The where clause is used to filter records according to specified condition
5. Syntax 5: Select Column1, Column2, Column3 from tablename where
condition1 and condition2 and condition3;
Function: The And keyword used with where enable to filter data from database
if all the conditions are true.
6. Syntax 6: Select Column1, Column2, Column3 from tablename where
condition1 or condition2 or condition3;
Function: The And keyword used with where enable to filter data from database
if all the any one of the conditions are true.
7. Syntax 7:Select Column1, Column2,Column3 from tablename where NOT
Function: The Not keyword is used to filter record from database excluding the
condition which is given in where clause.
8.Syntax 8:Select Column1, Column2, Column3 from tablename orderby columnname;
Function: The order by clause helps to display data from database according to ascending
order or descending order alphabetically. By default the data is displayed in
ascending order. the keywords used to display in ascending is ASC and the
keyword used to display data in descending in DESC
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