What do you mean by CPU Scheduling ?
CPU Scheduling deals with deciding of allocation of processes to the CPU which
are in the ready queue.Basically this allocation is done with the help of certain
algorithms. Scheduling Algorithms in CPU are of two types
1 Preemptive Scheduling Algorithm: In this algorithm the CPU is allocated the
process by the operating system with respect to its priority ie it does not wait
for the process requests. This type of scheduling is useful for high priority
process which requires immediate response. Examples are as follows:
a. Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
b. Priority based scheduling
c. Shortest Remaining Time Next.
2. Non Preemptive Scheduling Algorithm:This algorithm always process the
request according to the scheduled time. once a CPU has been allocated to
a process it cannot be taken back until the process is executed.Examples are
as follows:
a. First come First serve
b. Shortest Job First
Performance evaluation of the Scheduling algorithm:
From the many scheduling algorithms the performance of the algorithms
depends basically on two factors:
1. Maximum CPU Utilization
2. Maximum Throughput
Lets see it with the help of an example where we have the following five processes
arrived at time 0.
Process |
Processing Time |
P1 |
10 |
P2 |
20 |
P3 |
03 |
P4 |
07 |
P5 |
12 |
If we apply the FCFS algorithm for the set of process The Gantt Chart will be as follows:
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
0 10 39 42 49 61
Process Processing Time Waiting Time
P1 10 0
P2 29 10
P3 03 39
P4 07 42
P5 12 49
Average Waiting Time = (0+10+39+42+49)/5 = 28milliseconds
Now if we consider the Shortest Job First Scheduling Algorithm The Gantt
Chart will be as follows:
P3 P4 P1 P5 P2
0 3 10 20 32 61
Process Processing Time Waiting Time
P1 10 10
P2 29 32
P3 03 00
P4 07 03
P5 12 20
Average Waiting Time =(10+32+03+20)/5 = 13milliseconds
Now if we compare average waiting time of above algorithm we see that SJF
policy result in half of the average waiting time that has been allocated to FCFS.
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