What is Mobile IP ?
Mobile IP is a protocol that allows users to move from one network to
another network by maintaining the same IP address of the device to
enable transfer of Information from one device to another .
It is an enhancement of Internet Protocol that diverts the internet traffic to
mobile devices.
Components of Mobile IP:
In this section we are going to discuss about the components of Mobile IP
They are as follows:
1. Mobile Network:
It is basically the device that you carry with yourself for example your
handheld devices Mobile Phones, Smart Phones.
2. Home Network:
It is the Network to which the Mobile IP belongs(Home address)
3. Foreign Network:
This is the network which does not belong to the Home Network.This
Network is visited by Mobile Network.
4. Correspondent Node:
This is the adjacent node or Partner node to which Mobile Network
actually belongs, atleast one partner node is needed for communication.
3. Care of Address(COA) :
It basically defines the current .location of the Mobile Ip in which it
is located. All the IP packets are delivered to this Mobile Network.
4. Home Agent:
The Home Agent is basically the Mobile directory for the Home Network.
It is present in the Home network which is the source of the Mobile Ip.
It is the pathway for packets towards the Mobile Network.
5.Foreign Agents:
The Foreign Agents act as pathway endpoint for packet forwarding. It acts
as a point of attachment for the Mobile node .
The Mobile IP has basically Three Process. They are as follows:
1. Agent Discovery
In this the House Agent and Foreign Agent act as a Key Player.They
rotate their services using the ICMP router.
2. Registration
This process basically forward packets to the Home network.The mobile node
registers its current location with the Foreign agent
3. Tunneling :
It is used to establish a tunnel or pathway between start and endpoint
for packets.It is also known as port forwarding.
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