What is Cloud Computing ?
Cloud computing is the way delivering of computing services over the internet.
The services include application to storage and processing power.
In simple words we can say that cloud computing storing and accessing
Information from the internet rather than your computer hard drive.
Benifits of Cloud Computing:
1. Reliability: Storage or backup of data in the Internet
2.Productivity: It reduces the need for hardware setup, software setup
thereby enabling to do more productive works.
3.Cost Effective
What do you mean by cloud ?
It can just be understood as container for data and information where
consumers can avail the services and reach it anywhere, anytime and
at any place from the Internet.
Services Offered by cloud Computing:
1.PaaS - Platform as a Services like DBMS
2. SaaS- - Software as a Services like Google Applications
3.IaaS- Infrastructure as a service like backup, recovery
Types of Cloud Deployment
1. Public Cloud Computing:

It is a type of SaaS service. It is the most reliable source of cloud computing
The service provider beard the bandwidth and Infrasturcture expenses.
The Public cloud is suitable is not suitable for organisations where
sensitive information are being dealt.
2.Private Cloud Computing:

Well as the name suggests Private Cloud Computing is used by organisations where
they deal with large volume of informations which is not to be publicised.
Big IT organisations use Private cloud computing generally. It is scalable,
Flexible and reliable.
3. Hybrid Computing:

Hybrid Cloud Computing is a combination of Public and Private Cloud
Computing where the flexibility and reliability of both the services work
together.Generally organisations make use of Hybrid Cloud Computing
where they use the public clod computing to store large volumes of data,
getting email access and also use Private Cloud Computing to store sensitive
data from being getting accessed by any Third party
Cloud Computing is one of the mind boggling technology used in recent
times top store large and large volumes of data by providing security,
reliability and scalability, High security and reduced expenditure.
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