In wireless network computer, laptops, tablets and other devices are connected
through network router than any usages of cables or wires .
In wi-fi based wireless network the access point or router act as an Ethernet switch
All devices are directly connect to the router.
The use of wireless networks to avoid costs of installing cables across the whole
building. Generally wireless networks works with radio wave signals.
Types of Wireless Networks :
1.WPAN(Wireless Personal Area Network)
Have a short range of 20-30 feet.Bluetooth is the best example which
follows WPAN .
2. WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network) :
It extends the communication to about 300ft and consume more power.
3: WMAN(Wireless Metropolitan Area Network):
It ranges to a larger geographic area probably city or suburb
4 WWAN(Wireless Wide Area Network):
Provides connectivity over a large geographical area. These are networks used for
mobile phones and data service.
Wireless Topologies:
Basically there are two types of wireless topologies
1. Infrastructure mode
2. Independent Basic Service Set(IBSS)
Let us understand them in detail:
1. Infrastructure mode: It is also known as one to many topology. It has
single central wireless access points through which the wireless
client connects with each other .
2. Independent Basic Service Set(IBSS):In this topology two devices
are connected to each other wirelessly in a peer to peer manner
without the use of an AP. It allows to device to communicate
with each other without the use of any wireless device.
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