Artificial Neural Network is one of the domain of Deep Learning which can simply be
understood as replica of functioning of human brain Artificially.
Now lets understand What is Artificial Neural Network ?
Artificial Neural Network is a Technology which is based on the functioning
of human brain. It is composed of large number of highly connected processing
elements to solve a particular problem.
How does Artificial Neural Network actually works ?
ANN actually imitate the working of biological neurons . ANN is made up of
several artificial neurons which recieve inputs in the from of an internal
weighting system and generates outputs according to the information
presented to it.It uses a learning rule which is known as back propagation
of error to generate exact and accurate output.
Types of Artificial Neural Networks:
Well basically there are two types of ANN:
1. FeedForward Artificial Neural Network:
In this type when one neuron sends an information to another neuron
there is no feedback sytem meaning it has fixed input and output.
2. FeedBack Artificial Neural Network:
In this type of ANN there is feedback loop between message transmission
between one neuron to other neuron
Usage of Machine Learning in Artificial Neural Network:
The learning can be thought of as teacher supervising learning process .
It uses an algorithm which knows the output according to the input
data.The algorithm makes prediction the training data andis corrected
by the teacher.The learning stops when the algorithm reaches it
appropriate output or result.
2.Unsupervised Learning:
In this type of learning there are no correct answer is not given there is
no teacher. Algorithms are left to their own to their own to discover and
present their output or result
3. Reinforcement Learning:
In this learning agents have to face a very complex situation to achieve
a goal. The computer employs trial and error to come up with a
solution to a problem.
One of the key features of Artificial Neural Networks is that it gives output
according to the data feeded ie it does not have capability to take decisions on
its own however researchers are continuosly making key developments in ANN
to come up with bigger innovations and development in the field of ANN .
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